Tee times

Starter's notes

Friday, June 23, 2023
  • Install the app. Instructions here. Make sure you are logged in. You'll need at least one of the two in your pairing to update your scorecard after each hole. **If you forgot your password, use the 'Forgot Password' link on the login page
  • Turn on push notifications. Nick FalBRO is back and better than ever this year. You don't want to miss out on his magical GIF showers after Big BrOpen Moments. After you've installed the app, go to the home page and find the button 'Enable push notifications'
  • Update your score on BOTH the app and your paper scorecard after each hole. Double-check that your paper and app scorecards match before turning the paper card in to the club pro at the end of your round
  • Plan to arrive at the course at 10:00am to pick up your schwag bag and get checked in
  • Place your RoosterLolly bets on our Sportsbook and Venmo James Gaskin for your wagers by 11:30. "Late money may move the line"... but if you're later than 11:30, the betting window will be closed.
  • Meet at the putting green at 11:30am. We will review local and tournament rules & take the official tournament photo
  • We will play the White tees.
  • Tee times will start at 12pm; check the below for your time
  • Longest Drive Hole (Day 1 only) is #4. Closest to the Pin Hole (Day 1 only) is #12. Both are marked on the scorecard in your app
  • Rules TLDR: No gimmies. Putt everything out. Play OB/Lost ball as lateral hazards. Clean & place lies within 1 clublength, but you can't pull out of hazard (including sand traps). Review the BrOpen rules here
